September Meeting
As landlords, we may have become all too familiar with illegal activity on our rental properties. But there’s nothing worse than finding out about it
As landlords, we may have become all too familiar with illegal activity on our rental properties. But there’s nothing worse than finding out about it
Technology has certainly changed the way we are able to run our rental properties. Many of you may remember when a couple of us drove
There are still a few hours left to sign up for our noon meeting this Thursday, July 12th. Attorney Jeffrey Taylor will cover many of
Sign up TODAY for our meeting this Thursday evening, 7:00 PM at the Longbranch. Problem solving and discussion meetings are usually lively and well-attended. Don’t
Who has had experience with a renter who was or is a hoarder? Do you evict them or help them? Is there even a way
Have you ever had a rental unit that you just can’t seem to get rented? The inside looks great, the rent and deposit are competitive.
We still have some space left at our meeting this week! Sign up today so you don’t miss this important information. All of us need
Do I need a professional or can I fix it myself? Running toilets, slow or plugged drains, drippy faucets, stuck garbage disposals, even a furnace
Secure and Friendly Environments in Cedar Rapids, aka SAFE-CR, was established in 2013 as a way for our city to gain control of crime in
Most of you know the feeling when, after weeks of frustration, the Big Day rolls around. Small Claims Court. Your stomach is in knots, your
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