Rep Paulsen has ability to forward HF 184 (occupancy bill) to full floor debate. He has not done that for some reason we do not know about. We are asking you to email Rep Paulsen for his support.
Everyone that sends an email, please cover the points below. If we can get 15 to 20 well written emails it will make a difference. If someone lives in Paulsen’s district, be sure to point that out. If you have property in his district, also point that out. Everyone in Landlords of Linn County please ask for his support. IT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
We are finding out that unless a legislator hears from landlords they won’t know we have concerns. We will have power in numbers. Also, pass this on to anyone who has family members, neighbors or friends with children going or eventually going to any of the Iowa colleges. They will want to respond to their Representative. Rep Paulson can be reached at 319.294.2062 or 513-281-3521.
My email will be something like this:
Rep Paulsen, I am emailing to ask for your support on an import bill HF 184 (occupancy bill) waiting for full floor debate. We are hopeful the House can craft the language needed to protect unmarried Iowan’s from unwarranted discrimination. HF 184 clearly does not take away Home rule rights of cities, it just helps provide equitable access to affordable housing for people who are not able to fit the traditional definition of family. Many people find themselves unmarried and often can not change their situation, ie, divorced, widowed or abandoned by a spouse. Also, current restrictions in some college towns reduce available housing, drive up the cost of the remaining housing and put up barriers to pursuing higher education. Families from small Iowa towns find the cost of housing in the larger cities up to double the cost they are used to in their community.
Any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to reach out to me at the below numbers. Thank you for your time on this important bill, HF 184.
Daryl Kruse
Legislative Chairman
Landlords of Iowa
319-240-0880 cell, text