Don’t miss the October Landlords of Linn County member meeting!
Don’t miss the October Landlords of Linn County member meeting!
This month, we will have three members of the Sixth Judicial District Department of Correctional Services.
We will discuss the hesitancy and concerns landlords have with renting to persons who have a criminal history and how to possibly overcome it.
Should a person be defined by the one worst thing they ever did in their life? Come see what these agents for change have to say.
When – Thursday, October 12, 2023
Where – Hiawatha Community Center entry to the right
Time – 12:00 Doors open at 11:45
Buffet lunch is available for $15 per person. Cash or check only – sorry, no credit cards
RSVP to membership@ landlordsoflinncounty.org by Tuesday at noon
In your email, please include the names of those attending and if they plan to eat lunch. We are trying to be more exact with the numbers for the caterer, so please RSVP as soon as possible.