Have you ever had a rental unit that you just can’t seem to get rented? The inside looks great, the rent and deposit are competitive. But remember that old adage — “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” What your property looks like from the moment prospective renters drive by, stop, and get out of their car can make or break their image of the home.
Thursday evening, April 12th, Deb Walser, Linn County Master Gardener, will have many before and after pictures of recent properties. She is an expert in beautiful lawns and landscaping. Come and hear the basics of making a good first impression, and simple ways to care for your established landscaping. We are all craving green grass and flowers after this long, long winter. This will be such an enjoyable program!
Our meeting will begin at 7:00 at The Longbranch. Social will start at 6:00, with the buffet for our room ready after 6:30. As always, we need to give an accurate count for room set-up and food prep. Please respond by Sunday, using the link below.
RSVP For The Monthly Meeting & Lunch
To ensure adequate seating and food, we need a head count a few days ahead of time.
Please complete the RSVP form below.