August Meeting This Week!


By now you have received several notices reminding everyone of our August meeting this Thursday, August 14, at the Clarion Hotel. Come at 6:00 PM for social, the buffet meal will be served at 6:45, with the program beginning at 7:00 PM.
If you can, bring your laptop, smartphone or tablet with you, as we will have some hands on tutorials. Even if you don’t bring a device, we will have everything on a big screen to follow along. The first thing we will be covering is the new E-Filing system for all court actions. Linn County has now gone to a completely paperless system, and two of our experts, Barb Kintzle and Marilyn Heaverlo will be showing us how to navigate through all we now need to do to file our eviction actions. We will also explore other usefull websites, such as finding who actually owns a rental property for landlord references, checking for police calls to your property, etc. So bring your questions and also any internet sites and/or tips to share with the group. Bob Randklev is our Board Techy Guy and he will be guiding us also.
Be sure to let us know you are coming, so the Clarion can set up the room and have enough meals. Email us TODAY at [email protected].

See you Thursday night!
July vacancy rate: 1821 units signed in with 106 vacants = 5.8%
