Please contact Joe Kelly at [email protected] and/or John Dutcher at [email protected] if you will be attending. We need a head count to be assured we have adequate space in the meeting room.
For parking details and map
8:30 to 9:30 am Welcome meeting for those who can attend an early get together for review of our talking points at the Agribusiness Association of Iowa building at 900 Des Moines Street, approximately one block from the Capital building. Attached are directions to the building.
10:00 am Meeting at the Capital. We have secured the same meeting room in the Capitol as we had last year, Room 304. When you come into the Capitol at the ground or basement level, you will want to go the elevator at room G 23. Take that elevator to the third floor. When you leave the elevator, you will be facing room 304, which is at the end of the hallway. We will go over the issues with everyone and will have a couple of guests speakers. Rep Chip Baltimore is currently scheduled to speak to our group.
11:00 am to 1:30 pm Meet your legislators. You should let your legislators know you are coming to town. Ask them to give you a good idea of when to contact them. The best time for you would be in the range of 11:00 a.m. until 1:30 or 2pm
1:30 ish Capital Tour for those who have never been through the building. Lead by the Capital Staff. If interested please email John Dutcher at [email protected] to reserve a spot.
After the tour (starting around 3 pm for as long as you wish) we will gather at a local pub/restaurant near the Capital for those who wish to continue to “strategize” and network. We are planning on having a speaker available on a landlord/legislative related topic. Location and speaker to be determined. If you think you will be staying for this please let Daryl know at [email protected]