Legislative Update from Joe Kelly

1.  HF 2323, the city enterprise bill, is on tomorrow’s House debate calendar.  Every indication is that the bill is in good shape and should pass.

2.  Senator Danielson is holding another meeting on SF 2300, the occupancy bill, tomorrow.  I had a chat with Senator Danielson this afternoon.  He moved SF 2300 through the Senate State Government Committee.  He did that in order to keep it alive so that there would be a chance to have more discussions about the bill.  One possible result of tomorrow’s meeting is that Senator Danielson will have me show him proof that we have a minimum of 26 positive votes for the bill before he brings it up. This is not an unusual request for a controversial bill.  It would be even better to have about 30 votes because Senators do sometimes change their minds.

3.  If we are facing a scenario of proving votes, we need to get our work done as quickly as possible.  Therefore, I’m asking you to do the following:

Either phone (515-281-3371) or e-mail your Iowa Senator and ask him/her the following:  If Senate File 2300 were up for a vote on the floor of the Senate today, how would you vote, yes or no?  If you get a definitive answer either way, let me know.  It will save me time.  I will be canvassing Senators myself, but if I get a definitive answer from you about a Senator, I won’t have to contact that Senator.


4.  Let’s get started.

If you get your Senator on the phone, be prepared to tell your Senator what SF 2300 is about.  They have scores of bills they’re dealing with and don’t always know them by number.  If you send an e-mail, they obviously can look it up. But, even in an e-mail, you would take the opportunity to point out why you think SF 2300 is so important to pass.  Then you would ask your Senator the question of how he/she would vote if SF 2300 were up for a vote on the floor.
