LOLC June Meeting Reminder: Tenant Screening Process


The Landlord of Linn County invites you to the June Membership meeting on June 8, 2023

We will discuss the  Application Screening Process to select the best renters to avoid renting to problem tenants and staying out of court. 

And, of course, we’ll have time for Q&A

We will meet in our more permanent location at the Hiawatha City Hall Community Room.
When June 8, 2023
Where – 101 Emmons Street, use the entrance to the lower right of the main door.
Time – 12:00 Doors will open at 11:45
A buffet meal is provided for $15.00 per person. Cash or check only, please.  No credit cards.
Please RSVP to with the names of those who will be attending and how many will be eating by Tuesday, June 6th.

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