If the housing inspector walked onto your property tomorrow would you be ready? And what happens when an unhappy renter calls Housing Services to complain about you? Our noon meeting at the Longbranch on Thursday, November 10, will feature John Riggs, Cedar Rapids Housing Manager, and Lucas Pump, Inspector. They will be giving us updates on City code, legal steps they take to get landlords to comply, and what we need to do to our properties to obtain a Certificate of Compliance. We are fortunate landlords in Cedar Rapids to have such a great working relationship with Housing Services. We have heard some horror stories from other cities. Please come with your questions and comments.
As always, it is imperative that we give the Longbranch an accurate count by Monday for attendance and meals. Please RSVP using the online form below by Sunday night.
RSVP For The Monthly Meeting & Lunch
To ensure adequate seating and food, we need a head count a few days ahead of time.
Please complete the RSVP form below.