November Meeting


Are you using the correct forms when it is time to serve a notice?  Have you ever had a judge dismiss your case due to a form you did not use or used in the wrong way?  Do you know the difference between a Three Day Notice to Quit and a Three Day Notice To Pay?  Do you have a good form for a lease violation?  And what if you just want to end an agreement when the term expeires?  Our November program will be at noon on Thursday the 13th, at the Clarion.  We will go over all the forms available on our website, and introduce our new Landlords of Iowa lease that our vendor member, Attorney Chad Zenecek has designed for us  and finalized just last month.

The lunch buffet will open at 11:45, with the program starting at noon.  It is necessary that you email us at [email protected] and let us know you are attending.  The Clarion needs an accurate count each month for room set-up and food prep.

See you all Thursday!

