Reminder: Monthly Meeting With Attorney Greg Usher


Happy New Year! Another great meeting is planned for January 9, 2025.

Attorney Greg Usher will be presenting so bring your questions. Better yet submit your questions early so that Greg can be prepared. 

Greg has assisted many of our members with tenant-landlord issues and is gracious enough to share his knowledge with the Landlords of Linn County. So don’t miss this opportunity to get your questions answered.

A buffet lunch is available for $15 per person. Cash or check only, no credit cards.

When – Thursday, January 9, 2025

Time – 11:45 Doors open

Where – Hiawatha Community Center.

RSVP to [email protected] by 9:00AM Monday. 

In your email, we need to know 1. Your name(s) 2. Lunch yes or no

We look forward to seeing you!

Thank you!

RSVP For The Monthly Meeting & Lunch

To ensure adequate seating and food, we need a head count a few days ahead of time.
Please complete the RSVP form below.

  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.
    Attendance is free to members and visitors
  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.
    Please RSVP a few days ahead of the meeting so we can let the kitchen know how many meals to have ready.
    *** Payments will be collected at the event ****
  • If you have a question for the speaker please add it here.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
