September Meeting

The September Meeting is on the Chapter 29 Housing Inspection Code changes and Building Services Departments Website Updates.

The speakers for the September meeting will be from the Cedar Rapids Building Services. Cedar Rapids Building Services Director, Kevin Ciabatti, will speak on the Chapter 29 Housing Inspection Code changes including the new vacant houses requirements. I am told most of the inspection code changes are minor. However, all Cedar Rapids landlords are subject to the changes for your next housing inspection. To be well informed it will be in your interest to attendant and find out what the new changes are.

The second speaker will speak on the Building Services Departments Website. It will cover website updates and information on how to use their website for your benefit.

A large part of the program is going to be a questions and answers period. If you have any questions on the code or on any past inspections, please email them by September 9th to Garry Grimm at [email protected].
The noon buffet will open at 11:45 pm, with the program starting at 12:00 pm. It is necessary that you email us at [email protected] and let us know if you are attending and eating. The Clarion needs an accurate count for the room set-up and food preparation.
See you all Thursday!

Dick Rehman, President/Treasurer
