September Meeting


Most of you know the feeling when, after weeks of frustration, the Big Day rolls around.  Small Claims Court.  Your stomach is in knots, your renter has been living in your house or apartment free for six weeks or even longer.  Or maybe you are trying to evict for drugs or crime.  You are angry, they are angry.  Heaven knows what they’re doing to your property.  You just need them OUT.  You feel you are prepared, paperwork and ducks all in a row.  But things don’t go as planned.  That one little thing that you did wrong, and the judge dismisses your case.  Your triumphant renter smirks at you and prances out of the courtroom, back to live for free for even longer.

Don’t miss our noon meeting at the Longbranch on Thursday the 14th, as Magistrate Carrie Bryner covers common mistakes that landlords have made in her courtroom.  Be prepared for your next case.

The room and delicious buffet will be ready for our group after 11:30, with our meeting starting at noon.  As always, we need to give the Longbranch a count by Monday for room set-up and food prep.  Whenever we have a magistrate speak, we have a packed house, so it is imperative that you RSVP by Sunday night at the  link below.

RSVP For The Monthly Meeting & Lunch

To ensure adequate seating and food, we need a head count a few days ahead of time.
Please complete the RSVP form below.

  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.
    Attendance is free to members and visitors
  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.
    Please RSVP a few days ahead of the meeting so we can let the kitchen know how many meals to have ready.
    *** Payments will be collected at the event ****
  • If you have a question for the speaker please add it here.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

See you all Thursday!
