From The President: Laura O’Leary

Our April meeting on Thursday the 11th will be another NOON meeting at the Clarion. Come at 11:30 AM for the buffet lunch, and our program will start at 12:00.
April is Fair Housing month. Karl Cassell, Executive Director of the Cedar Rapids Civil Rights Commission, will be our speaker. Karl will discuss important issues of our new nuisance code impacting discrimination. Recently landlords were tested by the Cedar Rapids Civil Rights Commission with prospective renters requesting companion animals.  Mr. Cassell will be discussing the preliminary results of that testing.
We must have an accurate count of how many will attend, so the Clarion can prepare for us.  Sign up for our meeting byemailing us today at

See you Thursday!!

March 14th Vacancy Rate:
2908 units signed in with 252 vacants = 8.7 %
