Become a Member
Vendor Member
Basic Plan
Per Year
Vendor Directory Listing
List your company name, description, address, phone number, and email and more!
Attending vendor members are introduced at monthly meetings and given time to promote their products/services
Vendors may submit educational content or special offers for our newsletters/website once per month.
Vendor Plus
Banner Advertising Upgrade
Per Year
Includes all Vendor options Plus Banner Advertising
For an additional $150 per year, vendors banner ads will be rotated on the LOLC website and used in email newsletters.
The banner ads will give your product or service promotional exposure to all of our members several times a month and link to your website
See more banner details below
Banner Advertising Details
How to create and submit your ads
Step 1 - Create your Banner Ads
- Ads must be submitted in .jpg format and meet banner size requirements
- Ads can be created with any graphics program then exported/saved to .jpg format
- Submit two ads sized 468×60 pixels and 728×90 pixels
- There are free services online to create banner ads. Click here to view one example
- Have your ads created by our team. Submit your logos, photos and a drawing of your desired layout. Click here to send an email.
Step 2 – Submit your ads
- Email your finished ads to and your account will be setup within 24-48 hours.
- You will receive email confirmation and an account name/password to view your clicks and advertising impressions.
- Questions? email