February 2012:
From the (new) President: Laura O’Leary
A New Year!
In December our annual Board of Directors election was held, and officers were then elected by
the Board in January. Following are our 2012 Board of Directors:
Officers: Laura O’Leary, President; Garry Grimm, Vice President; Kim Frederickson, Secretary;
Barb Kintzle, Treasurer.
Directors: Michele Formanek, Kim Gordon, Bob Mitchell, Bob Randklev, Dick Rehman, and
Keith Smith.
Our Board meets monthly to plan our meetings, and keep active in all issues and legislation
affecting landlords and property rights at local, state and federal levels.
Special thanks and appreciation go to three of our dedicated 2011 Board members who stepped
off the Board this year.
Stephanie Danielson served as Landlords of Linn County President for the past two years,
and led us in winning our groundbreaking lawsuit against the City of CR and the revisions of
Housing Code Chapter 29.
Lark Richardson has been our treasurer the past two years, which is a very big job. Lark spent
many hours both on the books for Landlords of Linn County and for the state Landlords of Iowa
Tim Conklin has served on our Board for the past year as Vice President. He was very active
this past year in legislative issues.
Thank you Stephanie, Lark and Tim for all your hard work! And congratulations to the new 2012
Board. We are excited that this will be another great year!
Don’t forget our monthly meetings are always the second Thursday of each month, currently
at the Clarion Hotel, 525 33rd Ave SW. Mark your calendars now for our February meeting on
Thursday the 9th. Ruby Perin, Healthy Homes Branch Manager for Linn County Public Health
will be discussing emerging health and housing issues within our community, especially as
related to rental housing. She will be asking for feedback from our landlords on the vision and
general direction of the Healthy Homes Branch at Linn County Public Health.
Come at 6:00 for social hour, the meal will be served at 7:00 when we start the meeting. Be
sure to RSVP on our website, and please choose the meal option, as that is how we are able to
hold our meetings in the Clarion’s facilities.
Landlords Day on the Hill is scheduled for Wednesday, February 22nd. We will be carpooling
from Cedar Rapids to the state capitol building. Don’t miss this great opportunity to see
our legislative process in action, and to visit with our lawmakers about important landlord
issues. Just the fact of our presence there as a group makes the statement that our issues
are important. Complete information will be available at our February meeting or contact our
Legislative Chair Bob Mitchell at [email protected].