From the President May 2012

May 2012:




April’s meeting was a lot of fun, and also very enlightening. Jenx the drug dog and

his handler Officer Bieber demonstrated how Jenx could sniff out drugs, and what

the actual procedures are regarding reporting and investigating drug use in rental



April vacancy rate, based on landlords reporting vacant units on April 12, 2012:

4080 units, 272 vacant = 7%.


Register today for our May meeting on this Thursday evening the 10th. Walter

Skrovonski, President of the Davenport Landlords Association, will be our speaker.

Davenport has established a model housing code to help resolve crime issues in

their rental properties. Intensive collaboration between the landlords, City and Police

Department has resulted in a very successful program.


Come at 6:00 for social hour; the program and meal will start at 7:00


Be sure to patronize the Clarion by registering for the meal; that is how we are able to

use their facilities each month.


Des Moines, May 7, 2012


Iowans who choose to represent themselves in small claims court will find it easier to do

so with the help of new, easy-to-use forms. The Iowa Supreme Court approved a large

number of new forms to help Iowans navigate the ins and outs of a small claims court

case, from beginning to end. The court also updated some existing forms by making

them easier to understand and use.
