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Ace Handyman Services Cedar Rapids & Iowa City
Contact: Rene Gadelha
Phone: (319) 984-8585
Email: rgade@acehandymanservices.com
Actually Clean
Contact: Manager
Phone: (319) 447-0882
Email: accounting@actuallyclean.com
Atlas Legal and Process Services LLC
Contact: Ted Phillips
Phone: (319) 238-0533
Email: info@atlaslegal.services
Bailey’s Hauling & More
Contact: Meril Bailey
Phone: (319) 777-0179
Email: merilbailey@gmail.com
Big Dog TV High Speed Internet
Contact: Shannon Daniel
Phone: (319) 360-5184
Email: shannon.daniel@bigdogsatellite.com
Casper Builders, LLC.
Contact: Lucas Casper
Phone: (319) 530-2435
Email: lucas@casperbuilders.com
Corridor Consulting
Contact: James Yochum
Phone: (319) 367-3272
Email: James@Corridor-Consulting.com
Cyber Innovation Digital Marketing
Contact: Bob Randklev
Phone: 319-334-1010
Email: bob@cyberinnovation.com
First Onsite
Contact: Jason Delzell
Phone: (319) 572-7651
Email: jason.delzell@firstonsite.com
ICS Advanced Technologies
Contact: Harold Stone
Phone: (319) 721-2178
Email: hstone@ics-llc.net
Iowa CTS Cleaners
Contact: John Krusenstjerna
Phone: (515) 554-3834
Email: JohnK@iowactscleaners.com
Klinger, Robinson & Ford
Contact: Jeff Taylor
Phone: (319) 395-7400
Email: jtaylor@krflawfirm.com
Majestic Real Estate LLC
Contact: Louis Ukiri
Phone: (515) 864-9888
Email: owners@majestic.llc
Nazette Marner Nathanson Knoll LLP
Contact: Gregory Usher
Phone: (319) 366-1000
Email: gusher@nazettelaw.com
PuroClean of Cedar Rapids
Contact: Doug Junge
Phone: (319) 804-8288
Email: DJunge@puroclean.com
Scottsman Real Estate
Contact: Matt McCurdy
Phone: (319) 450-6447
Email: scottsman.properties@gmail.com
ServiceMaster by Rice
Contact: Cindy Lampe
Phone: (319) 365-9265
Email: cindyl@smbyrice.com