Sara Buck – Housing Services Manager for Cedar Rapids – July 14th Meeting


Our speaker for July 14, 2022, will be Sara Buck – Housing Services Manager for Cedar Rapids.

Sara is always a wealth of knowledge for landlords.  From assistance programs for helping tenants to procedures and requirements for qualifying for the programs and how the landlord can benefit.  More details to come for this month’s topic. 

We will be meeting at Hills Bank in Marion (Remember there are two – this one is by the Goodwill and HyVee)  Use the front door by Goodwill to enter.  

3204 7th Ave, Marion

Thursday, July 14, 2022
Doors open at 11:45, meeting starts at noon

Buffet lunch is available for $15 per person.  Cash or check only, sorry no credit cards.

RSVP to before Tuesday, July 12th at noon.

In your email, we need to know the names and numbers attending
