August Meeting


Technology has certainly changed the way we are able to run our rental properties.  Many of you may remember when a couple of us drove to the court house every month to comb through all the Small Claims actions in Linn County just to pull out the recent evictions by hand.  We would print the list of FE&Ds and mail out to our members in our monthly newsletter.  Since then, of course, Iowa Courts Online has given us immediate access to all of that.  Want to know who owns the house next to your rental property?  Also at your fingertips.  Is it a registered rental property?  There’s an easy way to find out.  Sex offender registries, reasonably priced credit checks, and the list goes on and on.  We used to pay hundreds of dollars each month for newspaper and publication advertising.  Now look at all the ways we can advertise our vacancies for little or no cost via Craigslist, Facebook and more.

Don’t miss our meeting this Thursday evening, August 9, at the Longbranch.  We will discuss and demonstrate numerous online resources easily available to all of us. If you’re an internet newbie, or a seasoned expert, this will be an interesting discussion for everyone.  Come prepared to share the sites you use often, or ask questions about the areas you’re still not sure of.

Social will start at 6:00, with the buffet for our group ready after 6:30  We will start the program at 7:00.  As always, the Longbranch needs an accurate count for food and room set-up.  RSVP by Sunday night.

RSVP For The Monthly Meeting & Lunch

To ensure adequate seating and food, we need a head count a few days ahead of time.
Please complete the RSVP form below.

  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.
    Attendance is free to members and visitors
  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.
    Please RSVP a few days ahead of the meeting so we can let the kitchen know how many meals to have ready.
    *** Payments will be collected at the event ****
  • If you have a question for the speaker please add it here.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.