Feb Meeting — Sign Up Today

Gavel 1

It’s not too late!  There are still some spots left for our Thursday evening program, Top Ten Ways to Avoid Going To Court.  

Join us Thursday, February 8, 7:00 P.M at the Longbranch, for our February program.  Experienced landlord and realtor Sheryl Jahnel will share secrets of successful landlords who avoid the frustrating and risky task of solving landlord tenant issues in court.  We all know Small Claims Court can be a roll of the dice in achieving satisfaction from the judge for non-paying and bad renters. Learn the tricks of the trade from a pro.

Sign up now before our meeting room fills up for this timely program!  Social starts at 6:00 P.M. with our buffet ready after 6:30.  Our meeting will begin at 7:00.

See you Thursday!

RSVP For The Monthly Meeting & Lunch

To ensure adequate seating and food, we need a head count a few days ahead of time.
Please complete the RSVP form below.

  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.
    Attendance is free to members and visitors
  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.
    Please RSVP a few days ahead of the meeting so we can let the kitchen know how many meals to have ready.
    *** Payments will be collected at the event ****
  • If you have a question for the speaker please add it here.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

