March 2013

Our March meeting will again be an evening meeting at the Clarion.  Come at 6:00 for social, and our meal will be served around 6:45.  The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM.

We have had several programs on the eviction process, small claims court, nuisance properties, etc.  This month our program will be about how to avoid all those headaches by screening applications properly for the good renters.  We will have a panel of “experts” (successful and experienced landlords from our group who have done this for years) discussing the best applications to use, what they look for in qualifying renters, how accurate verifications are completed, as well as red flags to watch for.  This will be an interesting discussion for our entire group.

Be sure to register for attending by emailing [email protected]

The Clarion needs an accurate count of those attending and how many meals to prepare, also to set up the room to accommodate everyone. With the successful attendance at our February noon meeting, we will be trying  more daytime meetings, possibly every other month.  We will still continue to meet on the second Thursday of each month at the Clarion, but be sure check our website for the time.

February 14th vacancy rate: 

2641 units with 164 vacant = 6.2%                                                                  

Vacancy numbers are gathered each month from those attending our meetings.

See you Thursday! 
