March Meeting


April is Fair Housing Month, but this year we are getting a jump on the celebration. Do you fully understand how to answer prospective renters’ questions abut bringing “companion animals” into your strictly NO PETS unit?  What if they have two? Or NINE? All of us need to have an educated understanding of all aspects of Fair Housing laws.  Is it illegal to discriminate against someone with twenty facial piercings?  Or green hair? Or a single mom with four children and no job? What about the immigrant who does not speak English?  How will they understand your lease and rules?

Join us on Thursday, March 8th, for our noon meeting at the Longbranch.  Our speaker will be Bernie Walther, Cedar Rapids Civil Rights Commission Investigator.  He will discuss the many questions and situations we encounter as landlords, and also some recently decided Housing cases. This is a meeting you can’t afford to miss.

The lunch buffet for ur room will be ready after 11:30, and, as always, the Longbranch needs an accurate count for food prep and room set-up.  Sign up today!

See you Thursday!

RSVP For The Monthly Meeting & Lunch

To ensure adequate seating and food, we need a head count a few days ahead of time.
Please complete the RSVP form below.

  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.
    Attendance is free to members and visitors
  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.
    Please RSVP a few days ahead of the meeting so we can let the kitchen know how many meals to have ready.
    *** Payments will be collected at the event ****
  • If you have a question for the speaker please add it here.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

